Financial Service Advisory

Finance is a very different world from what it was just a few years ago. Today finance functions have to look at how the entire organization and beyond impacts the outcome. Banks and Financial institutions face an array of risks in a volatile environment. Regulatory changes, data breaches, and other cyber risks, and global economic uncertainty present challenges that apply further pressure.

With keen insights and powerful analytics, you can identify exposures, manage risks and unlock opportunity.

We have formed a team of CFOs, controllers and other accounting and finance executives to help you enhance the value that you’re adding to your enterprise. Our Financial Advisory service caters to clients ranging from Banks, Financial Institutions to corporates and private equity firms. With our professional team depth knowledge and expertise in the financial industry we will be able to :  

  • Provide comprehensive financial, economic and strategic advice to Banks and Financial Institutions with complex business problems which generally lack the necessary resources or expertise. 
  • Support in building an effective and efficient finance function with a range of Corporate Governance, Accounting, Reporting and Analytics services. This can make your business meet changing market conditions, demands for greater transparency and changing regulatory requirements.
  • Assist you to prepare for local reporting during a finance transformation or during periods of significant growth.
  • Help you in determining, monitoring and disclosing financial and nonfinancial insights for CFO’s, controllers, treasurers and audit committees as well as your stakeholders, to support compliance with evolving financial requirements and help provide transparency and trust in reporting to make better decision making.

We also offer specialization in Corporate Finance, Restructuring Services and M&A Transaction Services.

Corporate Finance

We work side by side with executives to help their companies create unprecedented value. We have deep experience in finance, organization design, M&A, investor relations management and change management. We help organizations create competitive advantages through strategic corporate finance.

We take an integrated view that links corporate strategy, financial strategy, transactions and a capital markets perspective to help executives and their teams create value. We also help companies improve investor relations and effectively respond to activist investors.

Project Finance

We help our clients in all aspects of financing their long-term investments. Our team provides services in advisory and financial modeling to help the client undertake their projects with the best information and most accurate forward projections. We act as a partner to the client throughout the project finance process, and maintain their objectives and priorities through the financing.

JN Services team and partners provides business and financial consultancy services for Banks, Financial Institutions and SMEs which generally lack the necessary resources or expertise to capture meaningful market share in projects.


What We Do

Our panel of Project Finance specialists can assist you on the following areas:

Formulate appropriate programs for developing or acquiring assets.

Structuring capital requirements plan to enable fulfillment of the desired Project development objectives.

Rationalization of Assets Securitization/Mergers & Acquisitions or Disposals.

Transaction management to support the above.

Transaction management comprised preparation of business plan, presentation to strategic partners and capital providers, managing due diligence, negotiations, deal structuring and closure.