Audit & Assurance Services

JN Services Germany audit and assurance specialized team provide a broad range of assurance services to financial institution and banks. We also provide advice on accounting issues, Securities and Exchange Commission reporting, mergers and acquisitions, due diligence and a range of other matters. 

We focus on adding value to our clients’ businesses and utilize our wealth of specialized industry knowledge to give them a competitive edge in a global economy that is constantly changing. 

What We Do

We are committed to deliver extraordinary partner involvement and real time communications to our clients.

Internal Audit Services

We also offer internal Audit Services to banks and financial institutions.

Effective internal audit functions require a diversity of skills that many companies find difficult to source and retain. Maintaining world class internal audit resources requires significant investment in recruiting, training and professionally developing internal audit personnel. Add to that the cost of the latest methodology, technology and management’s time and resources.

To help companies meet the demands of maintaining an effective internal audit function, JN Services has developed its Internal Audit Services Outsourcing team. With our team, methodologies and technology we are able to solve all the internal audit needs of any organization.


Operational & Systems Risk Management

  1. Are your computer systems vulnerable to hackers?
  2. Can computer virus infections shut down your mission critical business systems resulting in the loss of millions of dollars?
  3. What would happen if a disgruntled employee planted malicious programme codes on your computer systems?
  4. How quickly would your organization’s important systems be up and running after a disaster?

If you are not sure about the answers to these questions, you need to conduct a critical evaluation of your organization’s mission critical information technology environment.

JN Services is a provider of information technology auditing and security services to organizations of all sizes. We have a team of audit and control professionals with varied industry and technical skills from an accounting orientation to the very technically skilled. This mix allows us to ensure that the right resources, with the proper experience are assigned to each engagement that we perform.

Our team of professionals provides proactive, creative, practical solutions to the business challenges facing your organization in the following areas:

IT Internal Audit

Pre-implementation Reviews

Post-implementation Reviews

Business Continuity Planning

Computer Security Reviews

Development of IT Security Policies